Web Site Picks Baptists, Jews, and the Holocaust as the Number 1 Book of 2017

Brian Kaylor, Editor & President of Word & Way (a Baptist magazine in the Midwest) and as Associate Director of Churchnet (a Baptist network in Missouri), has published his top ten list of books for 2017 - and he chose Baptists, Jews, and the Holocaust as his #1 pick! Click here to see his entire list.

Kaylor himself is an award-winning author and journalist. He has published four books on religion and politics: Vote Your Principles: Party Must Not Trump Principles (Union Mound Publishing, 2016),  Sacramental Politics: Religious Worship as Political Action (Peter Lang, 2015), Presidential Campaign Rhetoric in an Age of Confessional Politics (Lexington Books, 2011) and For God's Sake, Shut Up! (Smyth & Helwys, 2007).

Brian has a Ph.D. and an M.A. in Communication from the University of Missouri, and a B.A. in Communication and Christian Ministry from Southwest Baptist University. He serves the Baptist World Alliance as Vice-Chair of the Communication Advisory Committee and a member of the Awards Committee, the Commission on Christian Ethics, and the General Council.

Concerning Baptists, Jews, and the Holocaust, Kaylor wrote:

I learned more from this book than any I've read in a long time, and it also challenged me to reconsider issues of theology, politics, and history. The amount of research that went into producing this book - which is quite long - is impressive. Spitzer, the new General Secretary of American Baptist Churches USA, has done us a great service by compiling this work that examines the various ways Northern, Southern, and black Baptists responded to the rise of the Nazis and the news of the Holocaust. I hope many will read this book so we can learn from the past, rather than repeat the errors.